The More You Know
At Hall's Tree Care we are passionate about expanding our knowledge and yours. Learn more about tree care, habitats, creatures, and the species we encounter along the way!
Climbing Spikes
When doing tree work, climbing spikes should only be used on trees that are being removed. When spikes are used on living trees, it leaves punctures which can lead to tree tissue death. It's traumatizing to the tree and creates unnecessary damage. At Hall's Tree Care, we care about preserving the health of living trees. That's why we don't use spikes when pruning or trimming, and take every precaution to not damage them when working.
Spotted Lanternfly
First detected in the US in 2014, the Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive planthopper native to China. SLF hatches between May & June, and dies off in December. They feed on a wide range of crops & plants such as; grapes, apples, hops, walnuts, hardwood trees, and ornamental & woody trees, with Tree of Heaven being its preferred host.
They are referred to as Hitchhikers, as they are easily moved from place to place by clinging to vehicles, clothing, and tree materials. Because they are easily transferred, checking your cars, trailers, and even clothing before crossing state lines can help avoid moving them somewhere new.
They lay their egg masses on different surfaces and are found on the underside of branches, cars, tires, benches, mailboxes, roofing, etc. The egg masses are roughly 1 -1.5 inches, covered in a mud-like substance, with each egg mass containing 30-50 eggs. These masses can be found from October to June when they’ll start hatching again.
If you see one, try your best to kill it - squish it/stomp it. If you see an egg mass, scrap it off to destroy the eggs.

Tree of Heaven
Tree of heaven, also known as Ailanthus, is one of the worst invasive plant species in Europe and North America. These trees grows rapidly, capable of heights up to 50 feet in 20 years. Its suckering ability makes it possible for the tree to clone itself indefinitely, which makes eradication difficult and time consuming. It's wood is very brittle & has a foul odor, which makes removals potentially dangerous and not enjoyable. On top of all that, they are the preferred host for the Spotted Lanternfly; another invasive bug forecast to wreak havoc in our area.
Tree Stump Planter
You've just removed a tree. Now what do you do with the stump? Instead of removing it and making a hole, or grinding it down, you can turn it into a planter. You can grow fern, wildflowers, marigolds and more in or around it. Tree Stump Planters will not go unnoticed, and become a beautiful focal point of your garden.

Natural Tree Hollows
Natural tree hollows are valuable and essential for many wildlife species. they provide a safe place for breeding & nesting, along with refuge from predators & weather. removing tree hollows displaces and even kills the wildlife dependent on them.
Next time you're thinking of removing a dead tree, how about asking "does this tree need to be cut down completely?" consider leaving a habitat pole for surrounding wildlife
Reminder: not all dead trees can or should be saved due to safety reasons. Always consult the professionals first.